Build Here Build There

Campus improvements

Northwest Christian School's refined site plan for our campus as well as a multi-phase building plan is outlined in the phases below.
Turf Field. This new turf field will be completed by the end of September 2022. 

New Elementary Classroom Building.
This brand new 12-classroom elementary building is a beautiful, state of the art facility that now officially houses our Kindergarten, first and second grade classrooms. We are so thankful for the generous donations of many to help make the Ernest and Beverly Shortridge Building possible!

Indoor eating area/ancillary gymnasium.  In parent surveys, this has been the most often-requested addition to our campus:  an indoor cafeteria.  Within phase 3, we will be building a multi-purpose space that will serve as an indoor cafeteria and a second gymnasium.

Crusader Creation Commons. Siemens Education has given Northwest Christian School a grant worth $250,000.00, a grant which will provide our students with access to engineering software, learning tools, and tutorials.  This is the very first time that Siemens has awarded this grant to a high school.   This wonderful opportunity comes on the heels of already collecting grants for eSports equipment, a $50K 3-D printer, and a technology “library” that will enable students to “check out” cutting-edge technology in much the same way that you would check out a book at the library! 