
Middle School

Grades 6 - 8

Welcome to Northwest Christian Middle School!
Welcome to Northwest Christian Middle School. We provide a Christ-centered education in preparing our students for their future endeavors and our staff and faculty work tirelessly to have a positive impact on the lives of the children within our student body. From our highly engaging fine arts programs to the competitive excellence of our accomplished athletic teams, we continue to strive toward having each child press to reach their true potential in Jesus Christ. From the moment that you set foot on our campus, we pray that you would feel the love of Christ and have the opportunity to experience first-hand the great things that He has done at Northwest Christian School through the lives our of students.

We look forward to meeting with you in discussing the academic future of your child here at Northwest Christian School. Please contact our office for any additional questions or simply to arrange for a visit to our campus.

Best Regards,

Samantha Maszton, Assistant Superintendent/Middle School Principal
JT Barnes, Assistant Principal 1st-8th Grade

NCS Plus

NCS Plus...a part of NCS School a forum to support on-the-ground learning. Every NCS student and every family will enjoy an added dimension within their on-the-ground classrooms: NCS Plus. Although direct instruction within on-the-ground classrooms will not change, NCS Plus will support the "flipped classroom" model of learning wherein students can revisit key concepts presented within the class when away from the classroom.

Please visit the NCS School Choice page or talk to your teacher for more information.
  • Pursuing His Purpose
    Click here to review NCS's 7-Year Guidance Plan towards discovering God's purpose for Your life.