Frameworks: Online Biblical Worldview Courses

Keeping a Biblical worldview in your home is more important than ever. But for many families, full time Christian education is not feasible. Frameworks is an exciting NEW option that makes it possible for students to attend public, private, or homeschool while taking an online Biblical Worldview class that counts for academic credit on a high school transcript.

List of 4 items.

  • Online Biblical Worldview Classes

  • Fully Accredited

  • Transferable for Public School Academic Credit

  • Affordable Christian Education

More About This Program

The Frameworks Biblical Worldview Initiative is an extension of Northwest Christian School Online and represents expanded opportunities for high school students to dig deeper and explore further their growing understanding of the truths of God’s word, their meaning within worldview formation, and their relevance in every area of life.
Frameworks courses are developed in proud partnership with:

Explore Available Courses

List of 10 items.

Learn More About Frameworks


List of 7 frequently asked questions.

  • Can a student work through the course at their own pace?

    In certain instances, yes. But, each Frameworks course is designed so that a student would proceed through the 18-week class as part of a cohort of high school students from around the country.  During the 2021/2022 school year, if a student needs to alter the schedule for their learning, this will be handled by the Frameworks Facilitator.
  • Can a student with an IEP enroll in Frameworks courses?

    Yes, but it will depend upon the nature of the IEP.  In certain circumstances, the online format of the course and the supplemental tools that are available online may actually improve learning outcomes for such a student.  In other cases, the student’s experience may be diminished.  If the student has an IEP, please reach out to the school to better understand which of these two situations best describes the student’s situation.
  • How are quizzes, tests, or other assessments handled within Frameworks courses?

    Based on the type of Frameworks course, this answer will vary.  In some courses, there are online quizzes. In other courses, higher order thinking assignments, writing prompts, and similar strategies are employed.
  • Is there a frameworks instructor for each course?

    Each Frameworks course has both a Subject Matter Expert and a Frameworks Facilitator.  The Subject Matter Expert is the individual that worked with a team of curriculum designers to write the class and develop its content.  The Frameworks Facilitator is the individual who virtually partners with participating students, answers questions, grades work, and gauges student progress.  In certain circumstances, the Subject Matter Expert is also the Frameworks Facilitator.  In other cases, the two roles are separate.
  • What platform is used to facilitate Frameworks courses?

    Frameworks courses are facilitated using two different Learning Management Systems (LMS).  The primary Frameworks LMS is LoudCloud, a system developed by Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Arizona.  The secondary LMS is Canvas, developed by Instructure.  Courses within LoudCloud have a hard start date and a hard finish date.  During the 2021/2022 school year, all Frameworks courses will be uniquely facilitated by LoudCloud.  The Canvas LMS will eventually allow for on-demand start dates.
  • When do Frameworks courses begin and end?

    Each Frameworks course is designed to be a semester in length and each semester consists of eighteen weeks.
  • Can a family participate in the state tuition tax credit system to pay for a Frameworks Course?

    If a student is a full-time on-the-ground or full-time online student of Northwest Christian School, yes, a family is able to work through a recognized and approved School Tuition Organization towards securing a state tuition tax credit scholarship. However, state tuition tax credit scholarships are only available to NCS full-time students.