Online Academics

NCS Online FAQ's

NCS Online - Frequently Asked Questions

List of 19 items.

  • Is NCS Online accredited?

    Yes, NCS Online enjoys dual-accreditation through ACSI and Cognia.
  • What learning management system does NCS Online use?

    NCS Online utilizes Canvas as a learning management system.
  • NCS Online is asynchronous - what does this mean?

    NCS Online is an asynchronous program that allows students and families flexibility within their day and week, however, the program offers structure through daily and weekly due dates. Students do not have to log on at any certain time for face-to-face real time zoom meetings, instead they can work through their coursework on their own schedule within the constraints of daily and weekly due dates. 

    Elementary: Within the Online Program students are provided content for two weeks at a time to provide flexibility to families if they choose to work ahead. A weekly schedule is provided by the Facilitator to help students progress through the course at an appropriate rate. We recommend that students complete assignments daily, but parents may choose to turn in assignments to the facilitator by the weekly due date in the learning management system.  

    Secondary: NCS Online is an asynchronous program that allows flexibility to complete school work from anywhere in the world. Regular participation is required to ensure academic success within the program. The student is expected to complete work daily in each course. Daily lessons are published weekly with due dates and a task list for the week. The student must submit work by the due dates set in each course. Because the program is asynchronous, no exceptions will be made for planned absences such as vacations or appointments. Students are encouraged to work ahead to prepare for planned absences. For specific questions related to upcoming work, students can contact each facilitator directly. 
  • Is my child a good fit for NCS Online?

    Online education is not the best decision for every student or family. To learn more about if NCS Online might be a good fit for your student, contact our admissions team. They would love to connect with you, learn more about your family, and help discern if NCS Online is right for you!
  • How much does NCS Online cost?

    NCS Online elementary and middle school tuition is $2,500 for the year.

    NCS Online high school is $3,500 for the year.

    *Arizona Tax Credits and the Empowerment Scholarship Award (ESA) may be applied to fully cover the cost of tuition.
  • What makes NCS Online different from other online schools or programs?

    NCS Online curriculum is developed in-house by experienced educators the NCS way. We created our curriculum with Biblical worldview at the forefront with the goal of carrying out our mission of providing a Bible-based program of education that enables  students to develop a Biblical worldview.

    NCS Online students are part of Northwest Christian School, the largest single-campus private school in the state of Arizona and a leader in private Christian education. They are crusaders!
  • How flexible is NCS Online?

    Families should first understand that this is a full-time, academically rigorous program. We follow a traditional school calendar and expect that students are working daily during the school week. However, due to the asynchronous nature of the program, meaning that there is no live instruction that students must be present for, there is an inherent flexibility in the model. A family that needs to work on a modified schedule should be able to do that as long as there is a commitment to the equivalent amount of time each week. Families who travel will be able to work ahead in order to keep up with the deadlines and accommodate travel schedules.

    Elementary: students submit assignments weekly, except for math which is submitted daily. In the case of an adjusted schedule, the facilitator will work with the family as long as they are keeping up with the work each week.

    Secondary: Students have daily due dates, but the late work policy allows for students to submit the work by the end of the week on Sundays without penalty.
  • How much parent involvement is required?

    This answer varies depending on your student's age, grade level, and skill level, but every student needs a learning coach of some kind to help them in their learning.

    K-2nd Grade: Students are still learning to read, so they need a lot of support to walk through the instructions, and we've tailored the lessons toward the learning coach through scripts and activity guides to help the learning coach walk the student through each lesson.

    3rd-5th Grade: The instruction is geared more toward the student, but they still need a lot of support from the learning coach making sure they understand instructions and concepts and walking them through lessons. In 3rd-5th grade, students might be able to read instructions, but will need support in understanding their meaning. The learning coach is still very involved, but the student becomes more independent in terms of reading instructions and completing activities.

    Middle School: Students should be working independently, but they need a learning coach to help provide structure and accountability. At this level, a learning coach will check grades, help with technological issues, answer questions, and come alongside students to provide accountability.

    High School: Students at this level are independent learners and will need a learning coach for support, encouragement, accountability, and to ensure students are meeting expectations in terms of grades.
  • What does a typical day look like for an NCS Online student?

    We highly recommend that students work daily in each class so as not to fall behind. We recommend creating a schedule that the student follows that includes a wakeup time, a school start time, breaks, and general start and end times for each class that they need to work through that day. The student will work through a lesson, activities, and assignments for each class every day. Each class has different lesson delivery, reading, and assignment types depending on the content and daily lesson.
  • What testing do NCS Online students participate in?

    Elementary: NCS Online elementary students participate in DIBELS testing for reading fluency, along with Galileo standardized testing three times a year.

    Middle School: NCS Online Middle School students participate in Galileo standardized testing three times a year.

    High School: NCS Online high school students will participate in Galileo standardized testing three times a year and PreACT testing.
  • What types of instructional components are used in NCS Online?

    Elementary: In elementary, there is a pretty even distribution of learning coach scripts or written instructions, textbook work, and slide presentations. We use physical textbooks in elementary so that students have time away from the screens and get practice with physical writing skills. In elementary, the student relies heavily on the guidance of the learning coach and written instructions in the older grades.

    Middle and High school: Lessons are delivered through a variety of media including videos, lectures with presentations, interactive media, written instructions, and reading. The format depends on the content and the individual lesson, but students can look forward to a variety of formats in a typical school day.
  • What if my student falls behind or struggles with online school?

    Our late work policy is in place to help prevent this from happening. We know that students who fall behind struggle with the "snowball effect" of late work. Our late work policy allows for some flexibility within the week, but does not allow for students to be perpetually behind. If a student struggles, there are facilitators for each class that can meet virtually with the student to answer questions or help guide them. We also have a list of tutors that we can recommend if the student needs more one on one support.
  • What is NCS Flex?

    NCS Flex allows NCS Online students to engage in on-campus culture and activities. Flex students can participate in athletics, clubs, chapels, service learning, mission trips, graduation, field days, field trips, and more! NCS Flex space is limited as our capacity for student involvement is limited for specific courses and athletic teams. For more detailed information regarding NCS Flex opportunities, check out the NCS Flex webpage or contact our admissions team.
  • How much does NCS Flex cost?

    NCS Flex elementary and middle school tuition is $3,500 for the year.

    NCS Flex high school is $4,500 for the year.

    *Arizona Tax Credits and the Empowerment Scholarship Award (ESA) may be applied to fully cover the cost of tuition.
  • How will attendance be counted?

    No formal attendance will be taken on a day-to-day basis. The facilitator will check work regularly and do a weekly check-in with the family to make sure that the student is on track with their learning.
  • Will textbooks and workbooks be provided?

    Yes textbooks and workbooks will be provided to the student. Students will receive a combination of digital textbooks and physical textbooks and workbooks depending on the grade level and subject area.
  • How do I enroll?

    We are so excited you want to be part of the Crusader community! You can submit an application online here. If you’re still unsure about NCS Online, you can submit an inquiry here and a member from our admissions team will contact you.
  • I have more questions about NCS Online, where can I find answers?

    We are so glad you have questions about NCS Online and want to make sure you have all of the information necessary to make this important decision for your student and family. You can explore our NCS Online Handbook available on the NCS Online webpage. If you don’t find what you are looking for, you can contact our admissions team at 602 978 5134 x 515 or email our Admissions Team at with your questions. Our admissions team is here to help you discern if NCS Online is right for your family!
  • Are online courses available 'A La Carte'?

    Yes, NCS Online middle school courses and high school courses are available A La Carte!